My Team
Emma Dotter
Bible Overview Team
Director & Producer: JD Rodgers
Audio Mixed By: Travis Warren
Videography: Aaron Collins, Victoria Jones, Travis Warren, Bryce Nguyen
Photography: Grant Wilkie
Graphic Design: Rebekah Lane, Tricia Griffin
Audio: Grant Troutt
Team Members: Ramsey Pittman, Katie Thomas, Chase Thomas
Writer: Emma Dotter
OT Editors: Grant Wilkie, Abigail Newton, Katie Thomas, Ryan Oakes
Misconceptions Team
Director: Tyler Wisner
Creative Director: Rebekah Lane
Writer: Emma Dotter
Videography Assistant: Travis Warren
Photography: Abigail Newton
Photo Editor: Rachel Lane
Graphic Designer: Tricia Griffin
Social Media Manager: Katie Thomas
Script Editors: John Elmore & David Leventhal
Creative Consultant: Aaden Jones
Editor and Cinematographer: Tyler Wisner
Account Manager: Dana Hord
Team Members/all around the most helpful people on set: Anna Webb & Bryce Nguyen